Thursday, December 11, 2008

Formula 1 Rendering

This Rendering represents not only a new style, but a new experience for me. I am admittedly not very experienced with environments, but I am excited to gain the experience.

Interiors 2

This was another interior experience. This time I was focusing on exploring designs for my senior capstone vehicle.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Alternative Fuel Vehicle

This was a design exercise focusing on alternative fuels. Now, I don't know that alternative fuel source vehicles look any different than other cars, (well except for the Honda Insight) anyways here they are, I hope you like them.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Asignment 5 Sports Cars

Assignment 5 was to design sports cars for the year 2030.

Assignment 4 Interiors

These are some interior ideation renderings.

Assignment 3: Sail Cars

Assignment 3 asked us to design sail car, or wind powered vehicles.

Assignment 2: Sports Cars

Similar to assignment 1, Assignment 2 asked us to render an existing sports car, and then do a redesign for the year 2030. These renderings were to be done in color, and posed a new challenge.

Assignmet 1: SUVs

Assignment 1 For Design Communications asked us to Render an existing Sports Utility Vehicle, and then redesign it for the year 2030.